Oodles of Resources for Worship and Age Groups

One of the groups I am involved in is the Spill the Beans Resource Team, for which I am the editor of the publications we produce. Before going away on holiday I have finally got around to compiling a fourth pack of resources for worship leaders and age group leaders. This is a pack of our 2019-2022 issues that took us on a second cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).

This joins a pack from our first cycle of the RCL, a pack from our four year foray with the Narrative Lectionary (NL) and our own user-inspired "The Road Less Travelled" lectionary that we used in 2018-19. This past year we have been using The Women's Lectionary (the last issue of which is now available), and from Advent we will be moving into another home-grown Word and World Lectionary that the team has created.

If you are interested in our previous packs, they are all readily available and you can find out more from the Spill the Beans website.

Note that each of these packs is large (some are over 300 MB) so be patient when downloading them as they will take some time, depending on the speed of your internet connection.

Overspill Packs

Revised Common Lectionary Pack 1

The first three years of Spill the Beans (Issues 1-12)


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Narrative Lectionary

A four year cycle of the Narrative Lectionary (Issues 13-27)


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The Road Less Travelled Lectionary

Our own user-inspired lectionary of stories from the Scriptures we seldom read in church (Issues 28-32)


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Revised Common Lectionary Pack 2

Our second tour through the three year cycle of the RCL (Issues 33-44)


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Journeying Together
by FAITH - in HOPE - with LOVE

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Devana Parish Church

Fonthill Road
Aberdeen, AB11 6UD
539A Holburn Street
Aberdeen, AB10 7LH


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