ChoZen Youth Club
Please note that the ChoZen Youth Club will be closed on Friday 7 February 2025 due to the school mid-term break. The ChoZen Youth club will resume on 14 February. February.
Please note that the ChoZen Youth Club will be closed on Friday 7 February 2025 due to the school mid-term break. The ChoZen Youth club will resume on 14 February. February.
Our new Ministry Teams in Devana Parish Church are where a lot of the work and ministry of the congregation is going to be taking place. We have six of them and they cover much of what we do as an outworking of our faith through the church. As these new Ministy Teams start to get to work, there is an invitation to you to participate within them. We are circulating a booklet which is available here.
You can find a note of the remits of each of the Ministry Teams here. Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in what we are doing to witness to God's love in our community and world. If you would like to find out more then please contact one of our Session Clerks,
A small team in the new Presbytery has just released the first edition of what is planned to be a quarterly resource giving some guidance and information to encourage prayer across the Presbytery. This prayer diary is titled Prayer Points.
This is being coordinated by Rev John Cook of Howe Trinity Parish Church.
You can view or download a copy of Prayer Points here.
As you can imagine, with the increasing cost of living food banks across the nation have seen more clients visiting for some help. This has been the case for Instant Neighbour Food Bank which Devana Parish Church supports. You can bring donations to either the Holburn Street or Fonthill Road sites when they are open or on a Sunday morning to drop off donations which are picked up weekly by Instant Neighbour.
At the moment the food bank is particularly short of jars of pasta sauce, tinned tuna, tinned vegetables, tinned puddings, sugar and tinned meats.
Note that Instant Neighbour provide a host of other services from reuse of furniture, white good and clothing to bric a brac.. Do check their website for more details.
The Devana Holiday Club Team have started a new monthly event for families (from toddlers through to teens). We've had a great time with our first Family Church afternoons in 2024, and we start with our first in 2025:
Sunday 2 February 2025
4-6 p.m.
Devana Parish Church (Fonthill Road)
This is not just for children, it is for families to come together - creating a moment in the month to do something a bit special as a family, with others families. We will have a simple supper as part of coming together. There will be an opportunity to make a donation, if you wish.
We would find it really helpful to plan catering for the supper if you could register and let us know how many adults and children will be coming with you. You can quickly do that here.
The Presbytery has organised a Roadshow to be held in Devana at Ferryhill Church on Friday 8th December from 2.00 - 3.30pm.
This is an opportunity for church members to come and meet representatives of Presbytery for an informal discussion on some of the issues that the church is facing at this time.
Information to be added shortly
The church is not a building or a place, though these have their uses. The church is the people of God gathered together. It is a living thing and not a static pile of granite. The church is the people of God striving to work in partnership with God.
The members of the church embody the church (just as your hands, feet and head embody you). Without these different members, coming with all kinds of backgrounds, talents and gifts, there would be no church.
Membership in the church is a symbol of your commitment to Jesus' call to follow him. It is an affirmation that you are going to try, with God's help, to play your full part in building a community (within the church and outside the church) that is shaped by the gracious, open, hospitable love that Jesus shows to us.
Jesus loved to talk with images and he described himself as being like a vine of which we are the branches, and upon these branches grows the fruit.
Membership also means that you can fully play your part in the decision-making processes of the church, being able to vote in church meetings and with the possibility of ordination to the eldership.
You do not, however, need to be a member in order to worship or share in holy communion.
In becoming a member of a particular congregation, you become a member of the Church of Scotland, and do so through making a public profession of faith (usually during morning worship), answering certain questions. If you have not already been baptised as a child, you would also be baptised.
If you are interested in making that further step in your faith commitment in church membership please contact the church office or ministers to find out more.
Church membership is for everyone who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus and who puts Jesus first in their lives. In a famous verse from the Book of Revelation (3:20) Jesus says in a vision to John: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and him with me."
If you have already been baptised into the church, either as an adult or an infant, then when you join the church you will be asked the following questions. If you have not been baptised, then a baptism will also be a part of the service.
These are the vows used:
You have professed with us your faith in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In your baptism God brought you into the house of faith, and in goodness and mercy has shepherded you to this day. We ask you now to pledge yourself to a life of Christian discipleship:
Do you promise to follow Jesus Christ in your daily life?
With God’s help I will seek to follow Christ, and in listening for God’s Word, in the breaking of bread, and prayer, to grow ever closer to him as the years pass.
Do you promise to be a faithful member of the Christian Community?
With God’s help I will share in the worship and service of the church, and in this I will give generously of what I am and what I have.
Do you promise to take part in God’s mission to the world?
With God’s help I will witness to Christ wherever I find myself and putting my trust and hope in him I will seek justice and peace and the renewing of all according to God’s promise.
The Congregation are then asked to accept the following commitment:
I charge you, the people of this congregation, to love, encourage and support these our brothers and sisters in faith, that they may continue to grow in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge and love of God.
With God’s help we will live out our baptism as a loving community in Christ: upholding one another in prayer, and encouraging one another in service.
The Living Well Cafés provide a welcoming, safe and supportive place for people living with dementia and/or memory problems and their caregivers.
The Living Well Café first opened at Ferryhill Parish Church on 20th April 2017 when we had 8 café users, 6 carers and 20 volunteers. The numbers vary each time, but we have had as many as 18 café users and 11 carers! We are happy to welcome residents from local care homes.
The Devana Living Well Café runs fortnightly on Thursdays from 1-3 p.m.
We try to have a variety of activities: some giving information, some to show what aids are available and some reminiscing. A lot of the time we have musical entertainment as music is a great medium for reaching memories and it allows everyone to participate. We encourage the café users to take part as much as possible by dancing, doing chair-based exercises, quizzes and group games, sing-alongs, boccia and of course the now famous Ferryhill Hokey Cokey! We concentrate on what people can do rather than on what they can no longer do.
We also signpost people to organisations who may be able to help them, and sometimes just a wee chat and to be able to unburden what their week has been like is a great help for the carers. We recognise the difficulties experienced by the carers and the need to provide support for them too is important. We like to have some fun and create a warm, welcoming environment and to provide an escape for the short time they are at the café.
We have a pool of wonderful volunteers, mostly from Ferryhill Church, but there are a few from other churches, or friends of our existing volunteers. This dedicated team work extremely well together and they make the café what it is.
For more information on The Living Well Project and it's Cafes, please click this link.
The Outdoor Bowling Club meets at Albury Community Sports Hub on Sunday afternoons for a friendly game of bowls. We would like to invite new members to come along. Tuition is available to suit all ages.
We have a team which represents Devana Parish Church in the Churches Bowling League. In addition to league games there are various competitions, all played in the evenings. We play some invitation games against private clubs, these are held in the afternoons of Saturday or Sunday.
Contact Agnes MacDonald, tel. 01224 571716.
The Indoor Bowling Club at Fonthill Road will re-start on Wednesday 2 October 2024 2 - 4 p.m.
Contact Agnes MacDonald, tel. 01224 571716.